Wednesday 19 August 2015

Awareness Program of Leprosy

“Leprosy is not an untouchable one.
Let us join our hands together to create a leprosy free world “

The  net amount collected by the student was 
Rs. 2,06,332

In this program our correspondent registered the contribution on behalf of the school children to the dignitaries of SWISS Emaus

Mr.A.J Santhosh and Mrs.Shoba are the incharger of the SWISS Emaus. They came all over to CAMBRIDGE to aware the students about leprosy.

Key note address was given by correspondent.

Chief Guest address was given by Mr.A.J. Santhosh.


Students those who donate the highest amount for leprosy was awarded by Mr.A.J. Santhosh.

The Class teachers who collected the highest amount from the students for leprosy was also awarded.


An emotional speech with the tearful eyes regarding the fund collected by the students for Leprosy was given by Mrs. Shoba

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