Monday 21 September 2015

Holiday's Homework


                   Holiday’s Homework

Holiday doesn’t mean to take rest but it means to recreate ourselves”.

                          Yes, it’s true. Our Cambridge aims to sharpen the tots minds through some creative homework in the holidays.

Tamil         :      Write  m to  V (5 times)
English      :      Write A to Z (5 times)
                           Paste the related pictures.

 Tamil         :     Write m to / and f; to d; (5 times)
 English      :    Write A to Z and a to z (5 times)
                               Paste the related pictures.

                 I std 
Tamil          :     Read any Tamil story book and write the   
       words in vOj;J thpir(f,fh.. to d,dh.. )from the story.                              

English      :      Read any English story book and write the 
                            "Nouns" from the story.  
                II std 
 Tamil          :     Read any Tamil story book and write  the words in                                vOj;J thpir(f,fh.. to d,dh..) from the story.                                
 English     :      Read any English story book and write the “Noun,                                                Adjective" from the story.
                  III std 
Tamil          :     Read any Tamil story book and write                                                  the   words in vOj;J thpir(f,fh.. to d,dh..)                                                                                                from   the story.  
English     :      Read any English story book and write the    
                         “Nouns, Adjective, Verb” from the story.

                            L.K.G, U.K.G students are informed to do the homework in a 80 page   4 line note and submit it on (5/10/2015) Monday.

                             I st , II nd, III rd  Std students are informed to do the homework in a 80 page note and submit it with the story book on (5/10/2015) Monday.
School reopens on (5/10/2015)Monday.


From the Principal’s Desk,

                                Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy  later.
 My dear children wish you all a Happy and Safe Holidays.